St. Andrew's Food Cupboard
Dedicated to serving the needs of the hungry

Over 400 households are provided meals each month through the St. Andrew's Food Cupboard.

Every age, race, and religion is serviced by the volunteers at the cupboard. Single mothers and their children are the majority of those whose needs are met.

We are part of a network of food pantries in Monroe County serving the 14609, 14613, 14615, and 14621 zip codes.

How Can You Help?

Donate Your Time
An all-volunteer staff spends between 2-4 hours per week at the Food Cupboard.
- Receiving food donations.
- Organizing daily food products.
- Interviewing clients.
- Managing office work and data.
- Sorting clothing donations.

Donate Your Food
The Cupboard encourages direct food and packaged goods donations.
- Individuals can make food donations directly to the Cupboard.
- Businesses can become supporters through their food donations.
- Groups can run food drives and other activities.

Financial Donations
Although state and federal grants are an important resource, the Cupboard relies on donations. Your tax-deductible donations go directly to the mission:
- Bulk Food Purchases
- Operating Expenses
- Building Management
- Equipment Storage
- Repairs
Food Banks, Food Pantries, and Soup Kitchens... What's the difference?
Throughout the area, there are local food services that support their community. Food banks, soup kitchens, and food pantries all play their part.

Why volunteer at St Andrews?
The entire operation is run by volunteers like you!
We provide assistance to families in the St. Andrews area through food, personal items, clothing, and referrals. This brings relief to families struggling to make ends meet.
We make a difference in the lives we touch, and in turn, we are enriched.
See the descriptions of volunteer opportunities to see where you can help...